The following is a mixture of projects I have worked on. Overall taking web design courses, internship/work experiences and freelancing have exponentially improved my skills and aesthetics. Additionally, I have come to appreciate, take on, apply, and further on my education on designs. Always implementing basic design rules as a foundation for any project I work on I try my best to achieve a timeless look (to the best of my ability) while looking out for trends. Whether it’s a logo, a website, branding, electronics, mass production projects etc. I truly enjoy it all and only hope to continue learning and evolving with my work.
SCOUTLITAPP Design Pitch Project for a Computer Science Capstone
BAHDEESenior Thesis: “Preventing Obesity through game design”.
APP/Web/Game/Character/Packaging/Product Design,Mkt. Research, Branding.
Designing a CNC Manufacturable Lamp.
Linear Gear Prototype